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Live shipping rates


Garnet can automatically compute exact rates from the customer address, the vendor warehouse address, and the item's weight and dimensions.

Live shipping rate checkout example

This documentation shows how to integrate Garnet marketplace using the thrid-party logistic aggregator Shippo. To use another shipping service, contact us.

Video demonstration - 10 minutes

Admin settings (enabling Shippo)

Access the delivery settings in Garnet > Admin panel > Shipping > Shippo integration, there you can add your Shippo API key.

To create an API key, you can refer to Shippo's documentation. Garnet accepts both production and test API keys.

shippo settings

When Shippo is enabled and the live shipping rates are turned on, vendors will be able to set their shipping address in Garnet > Settings > Shipping

Vendor settings

Vendors can set all their shipping details in Garnet > Settings > Shipping.

Switch between live rates and flat rates

If your marketplace uses both flat and live rates, the vendor can choose which type of rate to use.

Switch between live rates and flat rates

Warehouse details

The vendor must fill out this form to enable the live shipping rates for their products:

  • Shipping contact: Used by Shippo to contact the vendor to pick up the package.
  • Warehouse address: Used by Shippo and Garnet to compute the rate between the customer's address and the vendor's warehouse address.
  • Default package: Used by Garnet, to provide a default package dimension and weight when a product package was not set.

Vendor warehouse details

Product package details

When editing a product with the live shipping rate feature enabled, the vendor can edit individual product's packaging size.

Edit individual product package details

Purchase the shipping label

Once an order is placed using a live rates, the vendor can (and is not forced to) buy the shipping rate from Shippo. When the rate is purchased from Shippo, the marketplace receives the shipping costs.

Fulfill order by purchasing a label

The vendor can choose to use their own shipping methods. In that case, the shipping cost goes to the vendors.

Refund a label

In case the vendor purchased a rate by mistake, the marketplace can always request a refund on the shipping label.

Combining rates

See the overview page.