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Vendor notifications

For a general view of email notifications, see the previous page.

Order reminders

As you have seen in the previous section, vendor can receive the traditional email notification when an order is placed, as well as email reminders. Email reminders are sent until the vendor fulfils the order.

email reminders

Reminders are sent an number of hours after the order creation date. So if the order was placed at 2pm, the 24h reminder will be sent at 2pm the next day.

The reminders by default do not consider the business days. Contact us to learn more about it.

Customise email templates

You can customise email in Garnet > Admin panel > Notifcations, select the email you want to customise, and display the HTML view. From here you will be able to edit the email sent to the vendors to add your branding.

If you are using a tool to generate the HTML, you can simply copy/paste the results in the input.

All the variables available are coming from Shopify's data structure. So for instance {{ params.order_number }} will display the order number such as #1234.

Email customization

Vendor notifications are sent directly to the vendors, hence the marketplace may want to customise them to add their own branding.

You can see the email design by clicking customise next to the email. For instance here is the email sent on each product approval:

sample email

Garnet provides pre-defined email templates that are:

  • White labelled, there is no mention of "Garnet" in the body, subject, no sender.
  • Minimalist, the design is kept as simple as it can be to be to accomodate most marketplaces.
  • With emoji in subject, we found out that vendors were more reactive when the subject starts with an emoji.

Emails come from the marketplace

By default, vendors emails are sent to vendors using the marketplace administrator email. In the example below, the email is sent from (the marketplace) to the vendor.

email emphasis from

You can use your own DMARC and deliverability reputation by using one of our email integration.