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Switch vendors

As an admin, you can switch vendors to see their data, change settings (like commission), or approve products. You can open the Switch vendors view from the drop-down menu:



Open this view ⌘ + / (MacOS) or Ctrl + / (Windows).

There is no admin view

Every time you log into Garnet as an admin, you will see the view as if you were a vendor. Having only vendor views allows you to be aligned with your vendors. There are no extra orders or products that are hidden from the vendor.

If you want a view of all orders and products across vendors, you can access it from Shopify.

Admin panel

As an admin, you can switch vendors to see their data, change settings (like commission), or approve products.


Let's see what we have here.

List of vendors

All vendors that are displayed can come from different sources.

  • Vendors registered users in Garnet. You can see these vendors annotated with a @ symbol. If you hover on it you can even see the vendor's email!
  • Vendor assigned to products that were created in Shopify by the marketplace. You can find existing products assigned to a vendor in this list. If you want to assign products created on Shopify to a vendor, rename the product's vendor in Shopify to the name of the new vendor.
  • Vendors are assigned to past orders. Even though the vendor might not be operating anymore, their vendor view is kept for reference.
  • Vendors who have an active integration, such as Shopify or WooCommerce integrations.

Vendors are sorted by the number of orders, then by the number of products. So the vendor that contributes the most is on top of the list.

Order the vendor list

You can click the header of the list to sort the data available to your needs. For example, click Unpaid to view the highest unpaid amounts.

vendor list sort

Unpaid amount

This column represent the unpaid amount in the Finance view. You can use this view to pay all your vendors manually.

Annotations, count, and commission

  • A small orange dot is next to the vendor you are logged as.
  • The order count is the order count assigned to the vendor. Including unfulfilled, cancelled, refunded, and fulfilled.
  • The product count is the count of all products and product variants disregarding their stock and approval process status.
  • The @ is annotated on vendors that are accessible to a user. You can hover it to reveal the email address.
  • The last percentage at the end is the specific commission of the vendor. Admin can change it by going to Garnet > Settings > Commission.

Default commission

Default commission assigned to new vendors that register to Garnet using the sign-up form.